SGC Medal Results
Hello All.
Please find attached the results of this weekends March Monthly Medal.
23 entries, 22 cards completed £69.00 collected.
The Winner Division 1 with 81/68 Nett was Dave Seymour
Runner up was Paul Gray 83/Nett 70
The Winner Division 2 with 88/66 Nett was Lee Porter
Runner up was Tony Crispin 93/72 Nett.
Birdie Balls to Jorge, M. Brennan, Dave Burgess and Dave Frost.
Congratulations and Well played to all. Full results will be posted in the club.
This Wednesday we will be playing for the March Midweek Medal. All are welcome.
Thank you for your efforts in completing the Sportsman’s 1st round matches. The few outstanding matches I am aware of and are in process of being resolved.
Dates for diary
Quiz night this coming Saturday 30th March, Captains Away day at the Essex GCC Friday 5th April,
Roger Foreman away Sunday 14th April.
Please note that the Southend Cup qualifying dates have been moved to 26-28 April.
This is to avoid a clash with Captains away day on 5th April. This enables the maximum
number of members to play.
There will be a Roll up on the computer for this weekend. £3 entry, cash prizes as usual
for overall winner and front and back 9 winners. Please progress outstanding matches where possible.
Tony Crispin your winnings are behind the bar!
Best wishes
Chris Snell.