Southend-on-Sea Golf Club
On Wednesday 15th November the Wednesday Wanders held their annual Christmas Away Day at Basildon Golf Club
A total of 28 players enjoyed a beautiful sunny day, perfect of golf. As always Basildon Golf Club looked after us all very well, and a great day’s golf was completed with a full Christmas dinner.
Winner in first place and with a score of 41 points was Jason Weald, and a close second place with 40 points was Colin Jarman. Winner of the first 9 holes Malcom Brennan, with a hotly contested, back 9 holes between Colin Wyatt, Mick Edmonds and Peter Robinson, making on count back Colin Wyatt the winner.
Thanks to Bucko for sorting the score cards and Colin Jarman for looking after the entrance fees.
Brian Taylor

Ballards Gore
Southend seniors entered three teams in the annual Ballards Gore Seniors Invitational competition on Wednesday 9th October.
This event is very popular and this year there were 88 players representing 11 clubs from the Essex area (a record number).
The course was in good condition and very challenging (and long) following very heavy rain the previous evening. Scores were lower than usual (especially the Southend teams) and the winners were Maldon and runners up were The Essex club.
As usual the hospitality, organisation, and quality of food was first class. Many thanks have been conveyed to Tony Spall and the club.
One achievement for our club was Malcom Brennan winning a nearest the pin prize!!
A very enjoyable day. We will be hosting Ballards in our annual King Charles cup match on Wednesday 7th May 2025 when we will endeavour to retain the trophy on our home course.
Southend Golf club outing at Top Meadow Wednesday 28th August
A great turnout of 32 golfers descended on Top Meadow golf club to compete for the Ian Nelson Memorial Trophy. The weather was glorious (in fact a bit too hot) and the course was in good condition.
The winner of the trophy with a very impressive 40 points was Colin Gingell, easing out Mick Butcher into second place with a very creditable 39 points. Nearest the pin prizes were won by Paul Gray, Bryn Cooksley and Malcom Brennan.
After a few pints of amber fluid to rehydrate ,and the customary golfers food of ham egg and chips the raffle and prizegiving followed.
Our captain Chris Snell gave a brief description of the Scotty’s Little Soldiers charity and announced that with the days’ donations he had raised around £4,500 to date - a considerable amount of money for a small club - and thanked all members for their contribution throughout his year as captain .
Our president Stan Ferguson then gave an explanation of how the INMT trophy was started and paid a tribute to Ian Nelson. Bob Leek (the master organiser of the day) then announced that £320 had been raised for Chris’s charity on the day.
These days do not run themselves, so a special thank you to:
Bob Leek (organiser!!!)
Stan Ferguson ( raffle king)
Tony Howson (score recorder)
Colin Jarman (debt collector)

King Charles Cup Winners
Following our annual visit to the Ballards senior invitational last year, it was decided to have an annual match between Ballards Gore seniors and Southend seniors and play for a trophy - the King Charles Cup.
On Wednesday 8th May, eight pairs from each club went into friendly, sporting battle with each other. Matches were closely fought (apart from a couple) and Southend were victorious by a very close margin of 4 1/2 points to 3 1/2 points.
The hospitality provided by Ballards was as usual very welcoming and they provided a delicious meal afterwards. It was perfect golfing weather , lots of sunshine and no wind and the course was in very good condition.
Well done to all players involved, and a special mention to Tony Howson who won a nearest the pin prize.
Southend look forward to hosting this annual event in May 2025 and defending the trophy.
Congratulations to all players involved.
All of the changes seemed to update without any glitches on Sunday night. As no doubt some of you have noticed, it will have resulted in your course handicaps being adjusted on our course. All the courses in the country have new ratings so it will affect your handicaps when playing elsewhere.
I am in the process of getting some laminated print outs for the club house but in the meantime, on the buttons below are the updated charts for the tee sets we currently use. I suggest you download them to your phone so they are always at hand.

Chris Snell commenced his year as captain, Driving in on
Sunday 10th December.
I am honoured to represent Southend Golf Club during 2024
and would like to thank outgoing Captain Lee Porter for the
outstanding job he has done supported by Denise and family.Thank you all who came to the drive in and making it a special day.
I would like to thank everyone for their support and good wishes for
The coming year. It means a lot to me.My nominated charity for 2024 is ‘Scotty’s little Soldiers’ is a fantastic Charity looking after and supporting the children
of servicemen and woman Killed in service and assures them that they
are not forgotten. They do great work have a look at their website if you
Have a few spare minutes.The members and Guests got this off to a great start raising £450.00
during the Drive in day. A fantastic effort. Thank you all, it is appreciated.I would like also to take this opportunity to wish all members and families
A very happy Christmas and a prosperous New year.
Chris Snell
Ballard’s Gore Seniors’ Invitational Competition
On Monday 9th October, three teams represented SGC in the annual Ballard’s Gore seniors’ invitational competition. The weather was glorious and the organisation and food provided by the club was first class.
20 teams of four competed from 11 different clubs. The winners were Maldon and runners up were Rochford.
The SGC b team consisting of Daryl Meacham, Malcolm Brennan, Colin Brett and Bryn Cooksey were one point behind in third place.
Look forward to next year
David Seymour

30/8/23 Wednesday Wanderers Seniors Awayday at Top Meadow
Many thanks to Bob Leek and his team for organising such a fun day out with some very inventive ways of raising money for the Captains Charity. There were 31 players in attendance with various prizes for nearest the pin etc and a raffle. The competition winner was Ron Wagstaff with second place Paul Kreyling hot on his heels.
The real winner on the day was Gold Geese, the captains charity, which has benefited from the £187.00 raised. Lee was quite taken aback and has already thanked those involved for their efforts and generosity.
Southend GC seniors v Maldon Golf Club seniors 21st June 2023
Following our participation in the annual Ballards Gore seniors invitational competition, we arranged to play a friendly match with Maldon consisting of 16 players per side, and on 21 st June we took a team to play away.
The hospitality offered by the Maldon club was first class - tea and coffee to start followed by shotgun starts to ensure everyone came back close together. The fork buffet lunch was very enjoyable, and the course was in great condition and the weather was fantastic for playing golf.
The 8 pairs-a-side matches were played in great spirit and maldon won 6 1/2 to 1 1/2. ( apparently they are unbeaten at home this year). Thanks to all the Southend players who represented the club, who I believe enjoyed the day enormously.
We intend to have a return match and a date of Monday 4th September has been pencilled in. Hopefully we can get block bookings and thereby give a return friendly welcome to our opponents. It would be great if we could arrange this as an annual event.

Our 1 1/2 points were won by Bob Leek/ Colin Jarman and Dave Seymour / Gary Fraser but a good effort was put in by everyone and the golf attire of Paul Eley was a subject of conversation in the clubhouse!

Captain's Away Day at Forrester Park
Firstly I would like to thank everyone for coming to my first Captain's away day at Forrester Park.
The rain held off for most of the day, and the full English breakfast went down a treat before the battle commenced.
Great fun was had by all, especially Jarrod and Beef who thought they was playing the 3rd hole but was actually playing the 12th.
They didn’t realise until, they were told by 4 women golfers after 2 shots each. Congratulations to Brian (Snowy) Kreyling for winning with 39 points, from Jamie (Beef) Montgomery on count back.
The 2 nearest to pins winners were Chris Nash and Martin (DA) Johnson. Congratulations to you both.
Once again, I would like to thank everyone for attending.
The Wednesday wanderers had an outing to Top Meadow on Wednesday 15th February
The organiser - Paul Eley did a fine job organising the day and ensuring that we experienced some great weather, and the course was in a good condition.
27 players turned up for a bacon sandwich, tea and coffee, 18 holes of golf followed by ham, egg and chips for the princely sum of £25.
There were some very good scores, helped by a generous slope rating giving considerably higher handicaps.
Three players scored 41 points - Kevin Verner, Ron Wagstaff, and Mark Critcher. Mark won on a better back 9 basis. Kevin won the front 9 with 23. Alan Davis won the back 9 with 23. Nearest the pins and approach winners were. Roy George, Alan Davis and Dan Clement. Secret partners winners were Simon Ravinet and Paul Gray
Highlight of the day was the great achievement of a hole in one (on the 11th) by Dan Staples. Unbelievably this was the second time Dan has achieved this feat within a month. Big congratulations!
Well done Paul, and we look forward to returning later in the year.

Hole in One!
My sincere apologies Dan Staples for omitting from last message.
Dan achieved a Hole in one on the 7th Hole last Saturday. A fantastic achievement by a lovely young man and new Member. Congratulations and well done from all at the Club.
Christmas golf day at Basildon
Last Wednesday The Wednesday Wanderers held their annual Christmas golf day at Basildon. Over 20 attended and a great day and Lunch was enjoyed by us all.
Congratulations to the Winner Jorge, and all those who won various prizes on the day! Many thanks to Brian Taylor for organising,

Southend victorious in Roger Foreman!
Last Sunday we played the Roger Foreman v Belfairs in heavy rain and tricky playing conditions.
Congratulations to The Captain and Vice on their shrewd selection of the pairings to ensure a great victory over our neighbours, SGC 10.5 Belfairs 5.5.
Well played all who participated in a great day in winning back the Roger Foreman Shield and The Captain and Vice who retained the Woodhouse Tall Shield. Another great day at the Club.
Ballard’s Gore Seniors Invitational
Monday 10th October
Three teams from Southend entered the annual Ballard’s Gore senior’s invitational on Monday 10th October. Southend A had won this competition on 2 out of the 3 last years, but this year were unable to defend their title successfully.
The day started off wet and windy, the sun came out later but the wind made conditions on this long course very difficult. The food provided by the club was of its usual high standard and all players enjoyed the day.
This year the C team led by Chris Snell were our top scorers with 90 points just ahead of the B and A teams.
Looking forward to next year

The Captains Cup was Won by Chris Nash with a 84-23-61 from the Runner Up Colin Fulker 90-25-65. Great scoring by many, congratulations and well played!
The full results are available on Howdidido App and will be posted at the Club in due course.
The Ravenswood Trophy was won in convincing style by Tony Crispin and Chris Nash with 50 Points from the Runners Up Iain McEwan and Gary Fraser on 49 Points. Well played all off you.
I am grateful to those who have arranged outstanding Matches at short notice and also rearranged matches to accommodate others!
3 Club Challenge Result and More!
The Weekend saw glorious weather and over 30 Members turn out to support The Captain and Vice's 3 Club Challenge Golf day and BBQ.
As has been the norm this Summer the Club hosted yet another successful and highly enjoyable event and that is down to the commitment and hard work of your Captain and Vice Captain Nick and Lee. Ably supported by Sarah, Family, Nigel, Dave and the girls behind the bar. Not forgetting great music in the evening from The Band! Thank you.
The various videos in circulation confirm a good evening was had by all.
The Competition demonstrated that many are better with 3 Clubs then 14 and was won with 40 Points by Tony 'The Trumpet' Pegrum.
Runner Up was Paul Gray with a commendable 39 Points. Well played to you both and congratulations Tony!

Captain & Vice 3 Club Challenge
Saturday 9th July.
1st Tee time is 12 Noon.
Club open earlier for usual Tea, Coffee and Bacon Roll.
Draw will be conducted prior to moving to 1st Tee. Latecomers will be at the back!
3 Clubs of your choice. Does not need to include a Putter!
Stableford scoring, play from Yellow Tees. Club Competition so Sign in and enter your scores on computer.
As Competition against the field you will play off your PLAYING Handicap, which as you know is 95% of your Course Handicap off the Yellow Tee Chart.
Nearest the Pin.
In order to maintain Pace of Play please pick up when you can no longer score.
Play a provisional ball if in doubt.
There will be a BBQ after Golf.
I will collect £10 Per Person after you come in and present your cards after play.
Live Music later in the evening.
All are Welcome..
Morning All,
On Friday We enjoyed a very enjoyable Captains Spring outing at Basildon. The Hospitality and the condition of the course was great.
20 Members plus 6 Guests played, the Members playing for The Biceno Trophy.
The Winner with an impressive 40 Points was Phil Sanford, from Runner Up Lee Porter with 38 Points. Congratulations Phil and well played to you both.
Nearest the Pins were won by Iain McEwan and Tony Pegrum. Well done chaps.
The Full result will be posted at the Club. I will be putting all cards not already entered, onto the WHS site for Handicap Purposes later today.
Thank you all who attended on behalf of Nick for your support. Thanks Nick for a good day.

Nick Chapman's Drive In - 12th December 2021 from 1:30pm
Hi Guys,
As you are aware I hand over the captaincy to Nick Chapman on Sunday. I wish him all the luck and hope he can arrange more than I could do due to covid. Thank you to all the members who have supported me in the past 2 years. I’ve enjoyed the role so much its been an honour to be Captain of Southend Golf Club.
So, the final figure for my charity is £4496.93 thank you so much for your generosity.
Wednesday Wanderes Christmas Outing
Thank you to Brian Taylor for arranging yesterdays very enjoyable outing to Basildon.
It was a fantastic day out in testing cold and windy conditions, and it was great to see you all there. Thank you all for your support.
I hope you agree we were well looked after and we enjoyed good value for money!
All scores have been inputted on to the WHS site. several scores were amended due to counting issues! Please see below the final Result.
Congratulations and well played Stan Ferguson on his victory on count back from Gary Fraser both with respectable 35 Points.
Well done Bob Leek and Chris Snell on winning Front 9 and Back 9 respectively, both with 21 Points.
Paul Eley won nearest the pin on the 14th. Well done.

Southend Golf Club Captains away day 17th September 2021
Thank you to all who supported me today great day at Warley Park Golf Course, nice weather, few beers, nice food.
I think you will all agree great course as well.
Well done to Chris and all the winners, thank you.
Tony Crispin, Captain
Memorial Day Dave Cundick Trophy
Good Morning All
This Saturday we will be Memorial Day, playing for The Dave Cundick Trophy.
We will remember and celebrate the lives of those Members that have played a huge part in our Club but are sadly no longer with us. Please come to the Club this Saturday and play for the magnificent Trophy that you contributed towards.purchasing. If you can't play pop in for a beer!
Normal tee time, 18 Hole Stableford Competition. Please sign in and enter your score on completion of your round. Note and play off your PLAYING Handicap which will be displayed on screen on signing in. Play from WHITE Tees. This is a Qualifying Club Competition.
Should numbers exceed expectations Belfairs will wait until all groups have vacated the Tee. A number of Members have indicated that they will be away or unable to play.
Dave will open up the Club early and Tea Coffee and bacon rolls will be available and draw done on the day. Normal contribution towards Dave's costs please.
Club Championship:
The Club Championship Scratch and Handicap Competitions will be played over two days on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of August. Normal Tee times. This is a 36 Hole Competition.
Please indicate on a list in the Club if you wish to play in either or both Competitions. If you will not be at the Club before the date please email or message me with your intention to play. Full details of any catering and draw will be sent out in due course.
Old Thorns Weekend:
A great weekend was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended.
The Ian Arthur Southgate Trophy, generously donated by Martin Johnson was competed for over a beautiful but tough course.
Thank you Martin and also Colin Wyatt for again organising a great trip.
Congratulations to the deserved Winner and my room mate Jamie 'Beef' Montgomery. Well done Mate! Runner up was Colin Wyatt.
Thank you all for your good company and the many laughs as is always the case on our trips!
Enjoy your golf and best wishes
Chris Snell
Club News
Good Afternoon All
I Hope you are all well and looking forward to the resumption of golf at the end of this month.
At the moment the ground staff are working hard to get the course playable, so that it is ready to open as soon as possible. The Council have contacted Season ticket holders directly to indicate that Season tickets will be further extended. As soon as I find out when the course will be reopen I will inform you.
During Lock down you may be aware as a result of poor weather and increased footfall the course suffered substantial water damage. It is drying out and recovering.
New Till installed - We now have the new EPOS Till installed at the Club. This will allow Members to load their swipe card with cash and then use to purchase from the bar. The system will allow you to make purchases without the card provided your card number or identity is confirmed to the till. We have a limited number of fresh cards, but I would ask all of you who were given a card previously to make an effort to find it and present them for use. The card numbers issued are already on the system, but it would be good if you can let me know that you still have one.
At present we have about 48 members. If you receive this email and have not paid your subscriptions that is because you are anticipated to rejoin. Please can you now pay your outstanding subs ASAP.
We look forward to 12th April when it is anticipated that you will again be able to purchase alcohol at the Club and consume within groups of 6 outside. The club apart from the toilets will be strictly off limits to Members and visitors. Abuse off this sadly will result in the Bar remaining closed.
The Captain Tony will soon be sending out an email regarding the Roger Foreman Match V Belfairs GC, the date to be confirmed, Normally is the last weekend in April. 32 players are required. Please let Tony know if you are available and wish to play. You will also have news about his away days I believe!
Thats about it for now, other then that the Committee are looking forward to seeing all of you back at the Club as soon as COVID Restrictions allow.
Best wishes
Chris Snell

Ballards Gore Senior Invitational
Ballards Gore Senior Invitational took place (despite Covid) on Monday 12th October. Numbers were reduced this year and no teams from Ballards competed. There were however ten teams competing and clubs included ourselves, Garons, Maldon, Colne Valley, Benton Hall.
Benton Hall won with 96 points, and one of the Rochford teams were second with 91 points, a mere point ahead of our A team. We failed to defend our title from the previous year and finished a creditable third. We all know there were a few points going begging! We did however, win 2 out of 3 of the nearest the pin prizes- Stan Ferguson on the 1st hole, and Brian Taylor on the 14th hole.
As always it was a very well organised event and nice to see some old faces - unfortunately this year they were wearing masks!!!

Many thanks to Hugh Kimbell, the organiser, and all the staff at Ballards - the food provided was of its usual high standard. And an enjoyable day was had by all.

Captain's Away Day, Benton Hall Golf Club, Witham, Essex for the M Hardiman Trophy
Although the weather forecast had predicted rain, and while the journey from Southend-on-Sea to Witham was made through heavy rain, the clouds cleared at 9 am, and for the rest of the morning we had no rain although the wind played a large part in our golf scores.
We were made welcome by the staff at Benton Hall Country Club, and by following the clubs covid-19 guidelines that were clearly marked out, we commenced the day with coffee and bacon rolls prior to tee off.
Tony Crispin -this year’s Captain- has not had the best year for his captainship, with bad weather during the first part of the year followed by the lockdown, but with this his first away day he must be pleased with the turnout of Southend Golf Club members. Well done Tony for an excellent day.
With the golf finishing we took lunch in Benton Hall's Golf Club Restaurant followed by a presentation.
Winner P. Robinson 36 points. Runner up J Iquacel 35 points. Well played everyone who attended on the day.
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