New members annual fee £220.00
inc Essex Golf Union affiliation
See below for Belfairs Golf Course charges
Beginner who is not sure how much he wants to spend on his golf and who wants to play in competitions, get a handicap for say 2 to 3 years before moving onto a Private Club at around £1,200 per year.
Players that have recently retired and now have much more time on their hands to play. We have an active set of members that play on a Wednesday morning and during the Summer Months Friday evenings.
All in all, the Club offers excellent ‘value for money’ and we look forward to welcoming you as a member. If you want to see for yourself just come into the Clubhouse any Sunday lunchtime and introduce yourself to any Committee Member, who will be pleased to show you round.
Click here for Belfairs Course charges.
Over 60's discount, contact the starter's office on 01702 525345.
Cyril Elliot is Southend Golf Clubs most senior member.

He regularly shoots a round of golf in the low 80s and often below his 84 years young age.
In December last year, Cyril recorded his first ever hole in one on the 12th hole. He had waited over 40 years for the honour.
Attached is a photo of his achievement.
Cyril puts much of his success down his regular exercise of Tai Chi.