Good morning to all,
The club is hosting several important events this year that involve guests and other visiting clubs. We wish to make use of the shower area and add some more lockers as well as generally tidy up the changing room.
As a result, arrangements have been made to clear out and remove everything in the shower / changing area that should not be there on Friday 7th February. This includes clubs, trolleys, clothing and anything else that as been left laying around. So if you know you have stuff laying around in there that you don’t want to lose, please get down and pick it up. Mick has said he will be ruthless and assembled a team to carry out the clear up and transport has been arranged to skips.
If anyone else has time to help out on this day please contact Captain Mick and offer your services.
Extra Winter Medal Round – 31/1/2/ Jan/Feb
As we missed a few medal rounds last year due to closures and weather I have just added a competition for this coming weekend. There would only normally be two weekend comps this month but we have capacity and the course is still open !
It’s an extra opportunity to win a medal, qualify for Gold medal day, pick up merit points and maybe win some “birdie balls”
Wednesday 5th February – Feb Midweek Medal
Fri/Sat/Sun 14th, 15th, 16th February – The Valentine Stableford
Fr/Sat/Sun 21st, 22nd, 23rd February – The Feb Monthly Medal
These are now on your Howdidido App
Midweek Medal – 22/1/25
As anticipated due to the extremely cold conditions there was a low turn out for the Medal but seven players did attend so the competition was validated.
Pete Robinson produced another good round to win with a gross 75 – net 68. Colin Jarman was runner up with a gross 88 – net 73.
Birdie balls went to Pete on the 15th.
Fortunately, no pensioners were robbed of their beer money on this occasion.
Congratulations and well played Pete !
Thanks to Bob Leek for getting the wall chart printed and displayed in the changing room. The dates for each round will be added today but for your information the cut off for round 1 is Sunday 2nd March. As said previously, don’t wait until the last minute, contact your opponent and get games arranged and played as soon as you can.
Any matches not played by this date will be deleted.
The decals for the honour boards have been ordered and the Trophies are away for engraving. We will announce the date for presentation night just as soon as we have everything back / delivered.
That’s all for now, enjoy your golf !.