Hello to all,


The course remained closed today following the weekend bad weather. Daily inspections are taking place to determine when it can open again and as soon as we have news we will let you know. In the light of this, tomorrow’s midweek medal is cancelled and will be rescheduled for next Wednesday, 18th.

Hopefully we will be able to play the rescheduled Turkey Trot this weekend, 13th, 14th, 15th December but again we are at the mercy of the weather.

Don’t forget that we have swapped tee times with Belfairs on Sunday and will have the 7.30am tee off time so that players can still get their round played and be back in time for the new Captain’s drive in.

On that subject, many congratulations to Mick Edmunds on his second honour board win this year with his recent victory in the Veterans Cup, beating Gary Fraser in the final. Commiserations to Gary but well done for making the final.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Sunday.

