Hello to all,
Firstly some important bits of information.
Car parking to side and rear of the club has been suspended for the winter period as the ground is being rutted and chewed up as the wet weather has arrived. Nigel has responded to this quickly and has filled out and flattened out the damaged areas and placed some large heavy kerb stones across the entrance to dissuade vehicular access. Please do not attempt to drive over them and park in these areas. Thank you Nigel.
Complaints to the Council regarding lack of investment, course condition, value for money, fare dodging and the dangers of members public using the course as a dog walking facility etc are encouraged by members and many of you have been sending your emails in. We don’t seem to be getting any response yet which is disappointing but sadly nothing new. We have been informed that there is a new Head of Parks now and you can direct emails to her as well, There is also a Council platform members can complain to, No abusive emails please, just constructive criticism and asking what intentions they have toward the course.
Use of Yellow Tees
England Golf are currently in the process of producing a new handicap conversion chart for use with yellow tee set whilst the mats are in use. So for the time being all Wednesday competitions will be played from the back mats (blue tee set) and for anyone entering general play rounds of their own accord you will have to play off the blue set as well. This is likely to be resolved very soon.
W/E 10/11/24
The Jimmy Groves Trophy
Congratulations to Ali Fisher on winning the competition with a gross 81 net 70, beating Phil Sanford into second with an 85 – net 71. Third place and with a great sub par gross of 69 – net 71 was Mick Edmunds. It’s tough at the top Mick !
The Ben Birkham Trophy
April’s changes to the course ratings affected the number of entries this year which is something we will have to address in future but the Winner was Colin Wyatt with a gross 97 – net 76 beating Paul Eley in to second, 96 – net 77 and Dennis Goddard came in third.
BIRDIE BALLS went to Paul Eley, Ali Fisher, Colin Jarman and Gary Fraser.
Congratulations and well played to you all !
Wednesday Wanderers Xmas Golf Day
Another great day out for this annual event at Basildon Golf Club. The company, course and food were great as usual and as always we were well looked after by the staff over there.
The Golf was won by Jason Weald with a very good 41 points. Bit of a slow start with 14 on the front but a great back nine of 27 points ! Colin Jarman came home second with an also very good 39 points.
SGC and the Golf were the real winners on the day and our thanks go to Brian Taylor, Bucko and team for organising it yet again! Looking forward to next year!
As previously mentioned, this weekend’s monthly medal, Fri/Sat/Sun 15th,16th,17th Nov is the last competition of our golfing calendar. The Honour Board competitions are now in the closing stages so I will be able to allocate the merit points for these and publish the final standings soon.
Next Wednesday 20th Nov, is the last midweek competition for this year. Again we will be able to publish the final merit point table. PLEASE NOTE: This will be played off the back mats (blue tee set) as mentioned earlier.
Club AGM
Just a reminder that the AGM is on Friday 22nd November and we would like to see as many of you as possible attend. It’s a good opportunity to put ideas forward and express opinions that you feel will benefit our Club.
That’s all for now, enjoy your golf!