Southend win the Roger Foreman Shield ! A close fought match was eventually won 8.5 to 7.5 despite the huge handicap difference between the teams. Capt Chris and Vice Mick also won their individual match against Belfairs Capt & Vice to win the Woodall Tall Shield. That’s a clean sweep for Chris this year, winning both the Foreman matches and the Woodall. Well done and thank you to all those that took part these matches.

Charity Quiz night, Leigh Constitutional Club
Chris would like to thank all those that attended the quiz last Thursday as a fundraiser for Scotties Little Soldiers. An amazing sum of just over £800.00 was raised ! The charity are blown away by the generosity shown by members, friends and family throughout the year and are very grateful.

Dinner Dance this Friday 8/11/24
For all of those attending on Friday the bar at the Chalkwell Park Rooms will be open from 6 pm. The Captain requests that you are there in plenty of time to be seated for dinner at 7.30pm.


This coming weekend Fri/Sat/Sun 8th, 9th,10th November
We are playing the Jimmy Groves Trophy for players with a COURSE HANDICAP up to 18.0 and the Ben Birkham Trophy for players with a COURSE HANDICAP of between 19.0 and 32. Please ensure you check your COURSE HANDICAP BEFORE signing in to ensure you go in the correct competition.

Wednesday 13/11/24 Xmas Wednesday Wanderers Day Out – Basildon Golf Club
Please arrive as close to 8.30am as possible for Bacon rolls and tea / coffee. A draw will be done before the day and cards prepared. First tee off is 9.45am.

Monthly Medal Fri/Sat/Sun 15th,16th,17th November
This will be the last weekend competition of our golfing year. As soon as the outstanding honour board competitions are concluded the Order of Merit winner can be announced.

Wednesday 20/11/24 – November Midweek Medal
Again, the last midweek competition of this golfing year, last chance for Merit points.

Fri/Sat/Sun 22nd,23rd,24th November – The Morris Burns Trophy
As is traditional, the Morrie Burns will be the first competition of the new Golfing year.

All the November competitions are available on your Howdidido apps.

Annual subscriptions (£222.00) are due from 1st November, full details will be sent out later this week. The AGM is booked in for Friday 22nd November.

That’s all for now, enjoy your golf !
