News – Results – Fixtures
Good morning to all.
Following last month’s appeal to find a Club Captain for next year we are pleased to announce that Mick Edmunds will take up the role with Julian Walden as Vice Captain. Mick kindly stepped up and offered his services and his appointment was confirmed at this month’s meeting. We all look forward to supporting him and wish him and Jules a very successful year in 2025.
Midweek Medal Wed 18th Sept
There was a good turnout for this competition as usual. Paul Eley came out on top with a gross 89 – net 69. Daryl Mechem came second on countback with a gross 76 – net 69, closing in on Roy George at the top of the midweek merit points table. Dave Williams was third with an 81 – net 70.
Birdie balls went to Roy George, Daryl Mechem, Ali Fisher and Dave Williams.
Jarrod Joseph receiving the trophy from Captain Chris.
Captains Autumn Outing – M Hardiman Trophy – Friday 20th September
The Captain organised another great day out for us at Rochford Hundred Golf Club for his Autumn outing. We were joined for the day by Rochford Captain Gary Evans who was very welcoming and Rochford provided us with some lovely food and a course in good condition with challenging greens.
The outright winner was Jarrod Joseph with 36 points, just beating Daryl Mechem with 35. Jarrod also won the cash roll up overall with Jorge taking the front nine money and Dennis the back nine.
Nearest the pin prizes went to Garry Dickinson, Dave Seymour and Dennis Goddard.
Many thanks to Chris for a great day out and to Colin Fulker for all his help on the day.
Fri/Sat/Sun 27th,28th,29th September – GOLD & SILVER MEDAL
These two separate competitions are stroke play off the white tees. £3.00 entry and balls for birdie 2’s.
All qualifiers for the Gold Medal are listed on the button below.
If you haven’t qualified then you need to enter the Silver medal instead.
Both competitions will be sign in on the PSI in the clubhouse and on howdidido.
Saturday 5th October – Autumn Shield
Four ball better ball pairs competition. All entries MUST be pre registered and a draw and order of play will be done before the day. The sign up sheet is still on the notice board so get your names down if you want to be included. Also an envelope with £4.00 per pair in the box please.
The Captain still has a sign up sheet on the board for the upcoming Roger Foreman match against Belfairs.
There are still a lot of pairs in the summer four ball competition that have not paid their entry. I don’t want to publish names on here so will message / contact the pairs as I see them.
That’s all for this week, Happy Golfing !