Hello to all,

The issue with incorrect notifications coming out from Howdidido has now been resolved and this weekends seemed fine.

There is still some uncertainty amongst some members as to the rules regarding putting scorecards in the box within the clubhouse. So to clarify, the rules are as follows;

If you play a GENERAL PLAY ROUND and have signed in your intent via the club psi, howdidido on your phone or England golf on your phone then all you need to do is enter your score by the same method naming your marker or attester as prompted on the apps. Once this is done and accepted THERE IS NO NEED TO PUT YOUR CARDS IN THE BOX. If you register an intent to play via any method then you must return a score, even if its an N/R

However, if you are playing in a CLUB COMPETITION, even though you enter your score and markers name on the psi or via one of the apps on your phone THEN YOU MUST PUT YOUR CARD IN THE BOX, IT IS A REQUIREMENT OF PLAYING IN OUR COMPETITIONS. Failure to do so will result in DISQUALIFICATION.

I hope that makes things clear.

Last weeks May Midweek Medal was won by Mick Butcher, shooting a gross 86 – net 72 and beating Jason Weald in to second place on countback with a gross 95 – net 72.

The weekend Medal Div 1 was won by Daryl Mechem shooting a gross 83 – net 71, runner up was Chris Donovan with a gross 93 – net 76.

Division 2 was won by Adam Johnson, gross 91 – net 70 with runner up Phil Sanford scoring a gross 93 – net 73, beating Tony May on countback with the same score.

Birdie balls were won by Andy Scott and Mick Edmunds on the 10th and two lots for Clive Jones on the 1st and 15th.

Congratulations and well played to all, as can be seen from the winning scores the course conditions are making it very tough out there at the moment.

This Wednesday, 22nd, is the first of our midweek stableford competitions off the yellow tees.

There will be a nearest the pin prize on the 10th, donated by Captain Chris and should the winner go on to birdie the hole there will be a sleeve of club balls as well.

This coming weekend, 24th, 25th, 26th
, will be the qualifying competition for entry in to this years Southend Cup. The competition is stroke play from the white tees. The top 15 scores along with last years winner, Colin Jarman, will go in a draw for a knockout match play competition.

At the conclusion of this weekends competition, the sign up sheet for entry into the Veterans Trophy will be taken down. Both of these events will then be drawn next week. .

The sign up sheet for guest day has been up a while now. The Captain is very appreciative of your continued support and would like to see as many of you and your guests there as possible. Thank you to all that have already indicated their attendance. If you want to be included please get your names down asap (or let Chris know direct) in order that Chris can finalise arrangements for food and tee times etc. The weekend green fee will include an optional Texas scramble in the afternoon.

That’s all for now,

Happy Golfing
