Hello All

Last Sunday we played the Roger Foreman v Belfairs in heavy rain and tricky playing conditions.

Congratulations to The Captain and Vice on their shrewd selection of the pairings to ensure a great victory over our neighbours, SGC 10.5 Belfairs 5.5.

Well played all who participated in a great day in winning back the Roger Foreman Shield and The Captain and Vice who retained the Woodhouse Tall Shield. Another great day at the Club.

Message from Nick Chapman:

“I would like to thank everyone who played and came to support us in our great result against Belfairs on Sunday. it was a very enjoyable day, I would like to thank Bucko and Carley for their work behind the bar and all the girls for the fantastic spread afterwards.

I would also like to thank Lee for his commitment and help throughout my Year, Thank you. I am confident that you will give Lee the same support that you have all given me when he becomes your Captain.

I would like to say that it has been an honour to be Southend Captain and again, thank you all”

kind regards

Nick Chapman

Competition Result:

I omitted to mention last week that congratulations are in order to Garry Dickinson on winning the Final of The Southend Cup from Lewis Burgess. Well done Garry!

There is no club Competition this coming weekend. Amuse yourselves in the normal way.

Dates to note in your Diary :

11-13th November – Monthly Medal

16th November – Midweek Medal

25-27th November – Morrie Burns Trophy (Stableford)

Friday 2nd December – Dinner Dance Chalkwell Rooms
Menu and list on board at club.

2-3rd December – Monthly Medal

Sunday 11th December Captains Drive in.

14th December- Midweek Medal.

16-18th December – Turkey Trot – Hamper Prizes.

Thats all for now.

Best wishes and enjoy your golf.

Chris Snell