SGC This Weeks Competition
Hi All
The Weeks Competition is the November Monthly Medal. £3.00 entry, Birdie balls for 2’s On Par 3 holes only, play off White Tee mats. Please sign in and enter scores on PSI when your Round completed. New order of Merit table commences.
This Wednesday will be the last Midweek Medal of this season. All are welcome. £3.00 entry, white Tee Mats, Sign in and enter scores on PSI, birdie balls 2’s on par 3’s. Midweek Merit points available.
Congratulations to Dave Seymour on having an unassailable lead in this years Order of Merit Table. Dave still being a Finalist and Semi Finalist in the Sportsman’s and Henry Cotton Trophy’s can not be caught. Well done! Full table will be published at the conclusion of these Competitions.
Yet again well done to all those who supported and represented the Club last Week in the Roger Foremen Match against Belfairs GC. 12-4 a fantastic result. Fully reported on the Club Website.
The Club Dinner and Dance was held last Friday and was a great success. A very enjoyable evening. Thank you to all who attended and supported the club.
Reminder that the rearranged Quiz night is on Saturday 23rd November.
The Club AGM is on Thursday 21st November, 7.30pm-8pm. This is your opportunity to have your say on the running and operation of YOUR Club. Please make an effort to attend. Remember Club membership fees are now due and you must have paid at least the first instalment to attend.
With Peter Robinson’s Captaincy coming to an end may I take this opportunity on behalf of all at the Club to thank both him and Keeley for all of the hard work and effort that they have put in over the past Year. Pete and Keeley have been excellent ambassadors for Southend on Sea Golf club. A highly Successful year for the Club. Well done Pete and Keeley.
Best wishes
Chris Snell