SGC Results
Hi All.
Please find attached the results from this Weekends Competition which was the June Monthly Medal.
There were 26 entries and 26 cards were completed. A total of £78.00 was collected.
The Full Results and latest Handicap list will be posted in the Club in due course.
Birdie Balls were won by Andy Scott and Dave Frost. Well done.
Division 1
Winner was: Andy Scott with an excellent 80/66 Nett.
Runner Up : Peter Robinson with 79/69 Nett.
Well played to both of you.
Division 2
Winner was: Gary Fraser with 89/69 Nett
Runner Up : Brian Taylor with 98/71 Nett.
Congratulations and well played.
I will publish the official result of the Captains away day, Morrie Burns Trophy when I
Receive the cards in due course.
This weekend we will be playing for the Ian Nelson Trophy.
18 hole Stableford, £2 entry, play off White Tees, please sign in and enter scores on computer when round Completed.
A reminder that Saturday 22nd June is the Presidents Caribbean themed Party. The Presidents Trophy Will be held over that weekend. Posters have been displayed in club over past few weeks. I have reserved some tee Times on that Saturday between 12.32pm and 1.12pm for those who wish To play later and stay on after at the club for the party. I would appreciate some idea of numbers so I can release Some of the times if not required. We still retain the normal Saturday times for those who Wish to play earlier.
Best wishes
Chris Snell